Title: Professore associato
SSD: BIO/18 - Genetics
Address: VIA U. BASSI, 58/B - PADOVA
Phone: 0498276304
E-mail: cristiano.depitta@unipd.it
Teaching in current academic year
Course | Degree |
CRISTIANO DE PITTA', born in Venice (VE), the 20th of April 1974. Degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Padova with 110/110 cum laude (Tutor: Prof. G. Lanfranchi). EDUCATION: 1998-1999 Experimental work as undergraduate student at the Functional Genomics Laboratory (CRIBI-Biotechnology Centre, University of Padova, Tutors: Proff. G. Lanfranchi and G. Valle); 1999-2000 Practical post-lauream training in the Functional Genomics Lab (Dept. Biology, University of Padova, Tutor: Prof. G. Lanfranchi); 2004 Specialized in Medical Genetics at the University of Verona (A.A. 2003-04, vote 50/50, Tutor: Prof. P.F. Pignatti); April 2013 PhD in Biotechnology (Tutor: Prof. G. Lanfranchi). APPOINTMENTS: 2001 National habilitation to work as biologist with high marks; 2001-2002 Research fellow of Dept. Pediatry, University of Padova (P.I. Prof. G. Basso); 2003-2004 Research fellow of the Dept. Biology, University of Padova (P.I. Prof. G. Lanfranchi); 2004-2005 Research fellow of Dept. Pediatry, University of Padova (P.I. Prof. G. Basso); 2004-2008 Lecturer of “Methodology of functional genomics I” for Biotechnology degree course at University of Padova (A.A. 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09); 2005-2006 Research fellow of the Dept. Biology, University of Padova (FIRB project); 2006-2008 Research fellow (biennal contract) of Dept. Biology, University of Padova; 2008-2010 Research fellow (biennal contract) of Dept. Biology, University of Padova; 2010-september 2011 Research fellow (biennal contract) of Dept. Biology, University of Padova. October 2011-now: Assistant Professor in Genetics SSD BIO/18 (Dept. Biology, University of Padova); March 2017: National Scientific Habilitation as Associate Professor in Genetics (SSD BIO/18). RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Since 2000, I have developed an extensive experience in the analysis of gene expression in model (H. sapiens and M. musculus) and non-model organisms (M. galloprovincialis and E. superba) by the application of new techniques of molecular biology, genetic engineering and genomics. I have developed and established a new technique for the production of subtracted cDNA libraries, in order to facilitate the identification of rare transcripts in human skeletal muscle. During my specialization in Medical genetics, I have applied cDNA and oligonucleotides microarrays to define the gene expression profiles of pediatric tumors: acute lymphoblastic leukemia and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. During my PhD, I have been particularly involved in defining microRNA transcriptional signature in breast and melanoma tumors, but also in rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines, in γ-irradiated human peripheral blood lymphocytes and in the atrophic process of skeletal muscle. I have also contributed to the characterization of EsCry, the first clock gene in E. superba, and I have also contributed to the first characterization of the krill diurnal transcriptome under natural conditions. Finally, I was involved in the functional characterization of: i) drim2, the D. melanogaster homolog of the yeast mitochondrial deoxynucleotide transporter that is essential to maintain mitochondrial function. ii) dSurf1 that encodes an inner membrane mitochondrial protein involved in COX assembly and mutations in the SURF1 gene are the most prevalent cause of Leigh Syndrome and iii) dMpv17 that encodes a mitochondrial inner membrane protein which absence or malfunction causes OXPHOS failure and mtDNA depletion.
Curriculum in PDF: English CV
Articles published in the last 5 years
Research area
Since 2000, I have developed an extensive experience in the analysis of gene expression in model (H. sapiens and M. musculus) and non-model organisms (M. galloprovincialis and E. superba) by the application of new techniques of molecular biology, genetic engineering and genomics. I have developed and established a new technique for the production of subtracted cDNA libraries, in order to facilitate the identification of rare transcripts in human skeletal muscle. During my specialization in Medical genetics, I have applied cDNA and oligonucleotides microarrays to define the gene expression profiles of pediatric tumors: acute lymphoblastic leukemia and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. During my PhD, I have been particularly involved in defining microRNA transcriptional signature in breast and melanoma tumors, but also in rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines, in γ-irradiated human peripheral blood lymphocytes and in the atrophic process of skeletal muscle. I have also contributed to the characterization of EsCry, the first clock gene in E. superba, and I have also contributed to the first characterization of the krill diurnal transcriptome under natural conditions. Finally, I was involved in the functional characterization of: i) drim2, the D. melanogaster homolog of the yeast mitochondrial deoxynucleotide transporter that is essential to maintain mitochondrial function. ii) dSurf1 that encodes an inner membrane mitochondrial protein involved in COX assembly and mutations in the SURF1 gene are the most prevalent cause of Leigh Syndrome and iii) dMpv17 that encodes a mitochondrial inner membrane protein which absence or malfunction causes OXPHOS failure and mtDNA depletion.
Proposals for thesis