Sorter Facility

The Interdepartmental Cytofluorimetry Service is located in room 61 of the 6th North Floor of the "A. Vallisneri" Biology Building. Researchers of the Biology Department (DiBio), Molecular Medicine (DMM) and Biomedical Sciences (DSB), may access the service. The instrument available is the CELL SORTER BIORAD S3 cytofluorimeter purchased by DiBio, DMM and DSB with the University co-financed resources for big equipment (Grandi attrezzature). It is equipped with 488-nm blue laser and 561-nm red laser and allows the fluorescence detection in four windows, in addition to forward and side scatter detection.
Service Coordinator:
Prof. Graziano Martello
FACS Sorter S3 Technical Managers:
Dr. Beniamina Pacchioni, Dr. Caterina Millino