Fly Facility

E-mail: fly.facility.biologia@unipd.it
Web site: https://dibio-fly-facility.netlify.app/
The Department of Biology (DiBio, University of Padova) Fly Facility has the aim of promoting the use of Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism in research and teaching.
“A. Vallisneri” Building, Viale Giuseppe Colombo n. 3 / via Ugo Bassi n. 58/b
Offices and Laboratories at 2nd floor south, rooms n°4 and 6
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 14:00
Scientific manager
Prof.Mauro Agostino Zordan
Mail: mauroagostino.zordan@unipd.it
Phone: 049 827 6211
Technical manager
Dr. Paola Cisotto
Mail: paola.cisotto@unipd.it
Phone: 049 827 6228
- 2 Drosophila CO2 anaesthesia stations equipped with Leica M60 stereo microscopes
- A Leica S9i stereomicroscope and PC with software dedicated to image analysis and digital data analysis
- 3 walk-in thermostatic rooms of which two, constantly kept at 18° C for the long-term maintenance of Drosophila lines, the other being available for the conduction of experiments under controlled environmental conditions
- 2 thermostatic cabinets, one of them constantly kept at 23°C for maintenance of experimental Drosophila lines
- Modular computerised equipment for the long-term acquisition of daily locomotor activity and sleep-wake cycles
- High resolution digital videocamera, dedicated computer and specific software for the detailed analyses of Drosophila larval and/or adult behaviour
- Apparatuses to perform behaviour experiments in Drosophila adults and larvae.
- Supply of different nutrient media and materials for Drosophila cultures
- Spaces reserved in walk-in thermostatic rooms and thermostatic cabinets for the self-maintenance of Drosophila cultures.
- Maintenance of Drosophila strains
- Provision of Drosophila lines of general interest for research and teaching laboratories at university level
- Supply of teaching material and proposals for activities at primary and secondary schools level
- Orders for Drosophila lines from major stock-centers
- Spaces for “Fly-pushing”, anaesthesia, stereomicroscope observation and imaging of Drosophila
- Consultancy and training
- Behavioural analyses ("single and multiple climbing assay", "optomotor test", "checker test", analysis of larval motility, adult locomotor activity, recording of behavioural activity)