Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors (AA-VV), Adenoviral, Retroviral and Lentiviral vectors and cells transfected with them can be used in BSL-2 lab Facility.
Any type of vector/viral particle used in the Facility must have been previously authorized by submitting a notification to the Italian Ministry of Health (Notifica di impiego confinato di microrganismi geneticamente modificati (MOGM) secondo il Decreto legislativo 12 Aprile 2001 n. 206). The notification is directly linked to the Notifica di Impianto and will therefore only be valid within the locals indicated therein.
STUDENTS ARE NOT ADMITTED, only PhD Students and Senior Researchers can access the room.
All individuals working in the BSL-2 lab Facility must be trained according to the compliance policies of the University of Padova: GENERAL TRAINING (4 hours) and SPECIFIC TRAINING - HIGH-RISK ACTIVITIES (12 hours).
New employees must be specifically trained prior to assignment in the lab.
The specific training includes the study of the documentation provided by the Facility on the handling of viral agents and the safety rules and the passing of a test related to the acquired notions.
These training sessions are held by appointment. The candidate user can communicate to the Director the training request by e-mail ( and ask for documentation.
Workers cannot work in the BSL-2 lab unless all the training requirements have been met: they have read the manual, they have passed the test, received approval from the Facility Director and DiBio Safety Officer and signed the certificate of training.
Access is restricted to those persons whose presence is required for experimental or support purposes. The Facility Director and Supervisor have the final responsibility of assessing each circumstance and deciding who may enter or work in the laboratory.
The room is accessible from Monday to Friday h 8.00-19.00. If the researcher needs to access the laboratory at different hours or in the weekend/holidays, Facility Managers must be informed.
The access to the Facility is subject to reservation using the booking system at with username and password. This is essential for the safety of all users. Moreover, the logbook will be used for the calculation of the expenses. Note that the Beckman Ultracentrifuge can be booked independently of the room given the different use in terms of time and that the cost is managed by the Centrifuge and Ultracentrifuges Departmental Service.
It is mandatory that all personnel wear PPE (personal protective equipment) i.e. lab coats and gloves. All personnel must wash their hands after removing gloves. Eating, drinking, storing food, handling contacts, and applying cosmetics are not permitted in the laboratory.
All specimens of viral vector or treated with viral vector should be handled in a Class II safety hood using universal precautions. Mandatory laboratory practices include use of mechanical pipetting, use of plastic instead of glass, minimizing the use of sharps, labeling equipment with appropriate biohazard stickers, and minimizing work with infectious substances on the open bench.
Clean and sanitize with 0,5% sodium hypochlorite or 70% ethanol anything that has been touched before leaving the room.