Electron Microscopy Facility
Vallisneri's building, Viale G. Colombo n. 3 / via Ugo Bassi n. 58/b
Office: first floor south, room n. 03
Laboratories: underground floor, north side, rooms n°. 40, 41, 42, 43
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: from 09:00 to 17:00
Service Manager
The laboratory has the following equipment:
- Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) FEI Tecnai G2 equipped with a side-mounted camera Olympus Veleta and a bottom-mounted camera TVIPS F114
- FEI Vitrobot Mark III
- Ultramicrotomes: LKB Ultrotome III, LKB Ultrotome V, Reichert-Jung Ultracut 70170
- Carbonator Edwards E12E4
- Sputter coater / glow discarge Edwards S150B
- Critical point dryer Polaron CDP7501
The DeBioEM offers the following services:
- Preparation and observation of samples for conventional transmission electron microscopy
- Preparation and observation samples cryo-fixed by plunge-freezing
- Preparation and observation macromolecules, cell fractions, nanoparticles, plastics and polymers
- Immunocytochemistry in pre and post embedding
- Technical and application advices, results interpretation
- Techniques update
- Equipment maintenance and upgrade
- Teaching activities
- Users training
- Tutorials and promotional activities.