Title: Professore associato
SSD: BIO/07 - Ecology
Address: VIA U. BASSI, 58/B - PADOVA
Phone: 0498276259
E-mail: chiara.papetti@unipd.it
Teaching in current academic year
Course | Degree |
TEACHING METHODS AND TECHNIQUES FOR NATURAL SCIENCES | Environmental Sustainability and Education |
ECOLOGICAL METHODS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES | Land and environment science and technology |
Associate Professor of Ecology (Biology Department, University of Padova) since 01-02-2019. Web site: https://chiarapapetti.wixsite.com/Papettilab ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4567-459X Bibliometrics: 43 papers, 503 citations, H-index 14 (Scopus, 30.04.2020) Major research interests My major research interests consider molecular ecology of marine organisms and focus on the way population connectivity and genetic structure may be impacted by changing environmental conditions. Research areas are the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic, the Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea. At present, specific research topics are: - Population connectivity of notothenioid fish species, - The mitochondrial mutation rates in relation to species’ max lifespan in pelagic notothenioid fish, - Hybridization among Antarctic notothenioid species of the icefish family. Education 24.03.2006 PhD in Evolutionary Biology, XVIII cycle, University of Padova, Italy 21.03.2002 Master of Science in Natural Sciences, Grade: 110/110 summa cum laude, University of Padova, Italy Main funding as a PI in the last 10 years 2019-2020 Seed funding, Biology Department – University of Padova – 6900€ 2018-2019 Funding by “the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund” (8000$) 2017 Italian Ministry of Research and Education Funding for basic activities related to research (FFABR) (3,300€) 2016 Biology Department – University of Padova - Research Funding (PRID 2016), total funding 59,355€ (grant number BIRD164793) 2013 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (contract started May 2014) score 94.4/100, total funding 217,000€ 2013 Hanse-Wissenschaftkolleg (HWK, Delmenhorst, Germany) 9 months award as visiting scientist 2012-2013 Two years Postdoctoral position of the University of Padova, Italy, Project number GRIC110B82 (salary) Teaching and supervision of students Each year, I train between two to five master students in my research topics and methodologies. At present, two students are working with me and with my collaborators abroad over a range of different research topics and target species, from population genetics of fish to ecology and adaptation of invertebrates. During the last academic year, I have taught three courses: Elements of demography and molecular ecology of marine organisms (first time), Biological responses to climate change (since 2016) and Ecology methods for environmental sciences (since 2014). I’m volunteering in an Intercultural Peer Observation activity and I’m now part of a group of change agents from different disciplinary fields aimed at supporting the development of innovative teaching for adult learning. Committee activities (last 4 years) 2019- 2020 Member of the Scientific Liaison Panel (SLP) to conduct the scientific evaluation of the EUROFLEETS+ proposals (evaluation meetings 21-23 January 2020, Bremen, Germany, 9-10 June 2020, online) see panel at: https://www.eurofleets.eu/access/scientific-liaison-panel-slp/ 2019-2020 Member of the Departmental Commission for Projects and Postdocs (CDPA) 2019 Member of the PhD Commission (32nd cycle) in “Veterinary Sciences” (16.12.2019) 2019 Member of the Departmental Commission for the evaluation of candidates for two fellowships to study the distribution and ecology of Salamandra atra aurorae in Asiago (Italy) Call number 20-2019 2017-2019 Member of the Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology directive and scientific board
Curriculum in PDF: English CV
Articles published in the last 5 years
Parental care and demography of a spawning population of the channichthyid Neopagetopsis ionah, Nybelin 1947 from the Weddell Sea.
POLAR BIOL2021Riginella E, Pineda-Metz SEA, Gerdes D, Nils K, Böhmer A, Biebow H, Papetti C, Mazzoldi C, La Mesa M -
Species distribution, hybridization and connectivity in the genus Chionodraco: Unveiling unknown icefish diversity in antarctica
DIVERS DISTRIB2021Schiavon L, Dulière V, La Mesa M, Marino IAM, Codogno G, Boscari E, Riginella E, Battistotti A, Lucassen M, Zane L, Papetti C -
Reproductive traits and age of barbeled plunderfishes from the Weddell Sea
ANTARCT SCI2020La Mesa M, Donato F, Riginella E, Papetti C, Parker E, Near TJ
Research area
My major research interests consider molecular ecology of marine organisms focussing on population genetic structure and the way population connectivity may be impacted by changing environmental conditions. Research areas are the Antarctic, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Adriatic Sea. At present, three major elements of this research are: 1) the role of hydrography and environmental parameters in shaping population genetic structure in Antarctic and Mediterranean organisms, 2) the impact of climate change at interspecific level with a particular focus on potential outcomes of secondary contacts among closely related marine species, 3) the effects of climate change and exploitation in marine organisms as potential perturbators of lifespan limits and aging pace. These research lines fulfill my interests in combining my passion for molecular ecology of marine organisms and the need to provide multidisciplinary and compelling background information for sound management and conservation of marine resources (biodiversity and populations). I and my research team are investigating these aspects by analyzing genome-wide genetic variability in combination with various expertise deriving from my international collaborators.
Proposals for thesis
Thesis on molecular ecology of marine organisms. Some examples of BSc thesis (Triennale, literature review): 1. The telomere dynamics and the ecology of marine organisms 2. Larval dispersal, oceans, and climate change 3. Mitochondria, aging, and the pace of life in fish. 4. Fishery-induced evolution 5. Second- and third-generation sequencing methods for marine organisms: advantages and disadvantages For what concerns MSc thesis (Magistrali), please contact me directly Thesis investigating aspects of biology education (ecology and molecular methods) are possible, if there are any interested students, please contact me directly.