Title: Professore ordinario
SSD: BIO/01 - General Botanics
Address: VIA U. BASSI, 58/B - PADOVA
Phone: 0498276240
E-mail: barbara.baldan@unipd.it
Teaching in current academic year
Course | Degree |
PLANT BIOLOGY | Environmental sciences and technology |
EDUCATION 1990: Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology, UniPd, Italy. 1985: Degree in Biology with full marks and honours (110/110 cum laude). RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2015-up to now: Permanent position at the department of Biology as Full Professor at the University of Padova 2000-2015: Permanent position at the department of Biology as Professor at the University of Padova, 1991-2000: Permanent position as researcher at the University of Padova, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, DeBIO 1986-1989: Ph.D Course in Evolutionary Biology- Laboratory of Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology, DeBIO, University of Padova (Italy). 1988: One-year stay at the l'Institut J.Monod, Universitè Paris VII, France in the research group of Prof.J.Olive. 1989: One-year stay at the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Fondation Edmond de Rothschild, Paris, France in the research group of Prof.F.A.Wollman. 1984-1985: Research activity for graduation thesis- Laboratory of Plant Biology, Botany Institut, University of Padova, Italy. DISTINCTIONS 1991: Zeiss prize for the best work in electronic microscopy field ACADEMIC DUTIES AND COMMITTEES: 2017-present: member of scientific committee of the Brera Botanical Garden, UniMI 2016-present: member of the National ASN Panel SSD 05/A1- Botany. 2016-present: Rector’s delegate in the Scientific Committee of the Azienda Agraria Sperimentale "L. Toniolo", Legnaro, Padova 2015-present-: Director of Centro di Ateneo Botanical Garden, UniPd. 2015-present : member of the scientific committee of the Biology Department 2013-2015 Vice-director of Centro di Ateneo Botanical Garden, UniPd. 2012-2015: member of the scientific committee of the Botanical Garden 2012-2015: appointed member of School of Sciences committee, UniPd 2009-present: member of PhD committee, Scuola di Dottorato in Bioscienze e Biotecnologie, Evolutionary Biology 2009-2015: Head of the Course in Molecular Biology (3+2 year Degrees) 2009-2015: member of the Committee for didactics of the Department of Biology, UniPd 2009-present: responsible of the Electronic Microscopy Service of the Biology Department, UniPd Author of 80 publications in international journals with referees and I.F. and of three book chapters. Total citations: 1713; H-index: 25 (Scopus). In the past, the research work has mainly concerned plant cell biology: programmed cell death in plants and plant propagation (micropropagation, in vitro organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis); in the last years, the research has been addressed to the characterization (by molecular, biochemical, physiological approaches) of microbial endophytes, living in grapevine inner tissues, for their potential application to improve crop productivity and plant disease biocontrol. Very recently, linked to the new research activity in the Botanic Garden of Padova, molecular biology studies have been set up: a) molecular identification of fungal specimens from the historical Saccardo’s collection, known at international level and conserved in the Herbarium of the Botanic Garden belonging to Padova University; b) the study of MADS-box genes that are expressed in the floral buds and in the reproductive structures of basal angiosperms that belong to the Nymphaeales order, with the purpose to better understand the MADS-box genes expression pattern involved in these species, thus contributing to an update of the ‘ABC(D)E’ model in these organisms.
Curriculum in PDF: English CV
Articles published in the last 5 years
Taxonomic Re-Examination of Nine Rosellinia Types (Ascomycota, Xylariales) Stored in the Saccardo Mycological Collection
MICROORGANISMS2021Forin N, Vizzini A, Fainelli F, Ercole E, Baldan B -
Evolution of isoprene emission in Arecaceae (palms)
EVOL APPL2020Li M, Xu J, Lyu F, Khomenko I, Biasioli F, Villani M, Baldan B, Varotto C -
FePO4 NPs Are an Efficient Nutritional Source for Plants: Combination of Nano-Material Properties and Metabolic Responses to Nutritional Deficiencies
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE2020Sega D, Baldan B, Zamboni A, Varanini Z -
Illuminating type collections of nectriaceous fungi in Saccardo’s fungarium
PERSOONIA2020Forin N, Vizzini A, Nigris S, Ercole E, Voyron S, Girlanda M, Baldan B -
The Rare Sugar Tagatose Differentially Inhibits the Growth of Phytophthora infestans and Phytophthora cinnamomi by Interfering With Mitochondrial Processes
FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY2020Chahed A, Nesler A, Navazio L, Baldan B, Busato I, Ait Barka E, Pertot I, Puopolo G, Perazzolli M
Research area
Molecular characterization of fungi from Saccardo's mycological herbarium The main objective of this research project is the molecular identification of fungal specimens belonging to one of the most important collections in the world: Pier Andrea Saccardo's mycological herbarium. This collection, preserved at the Botanical Garden of Padua, has a special scientific importance due to the presence of various specimens that have been used by Saccardo for the morphological descriptions of new fungal species and are therefore known as types. For this purpose, it will be necessary to develop a method for the extraction of DNA from ancient herbarium material and to select specific molecular markers to be used for the univocal identification of the species in the collection. Then, the obtained data will be used for the creation of a database, accessible to the national and international mycological community, in which the analyzed species of the collection will have linked the relevant molecular information used for their identification. Floral evolution of Nymphaeales using MADS-box genes as markers Nymphaeales is an order of aquatic plants placed to the base of the angiosperms phylogeny that includes three families: Nymphaeaceae, Cabombaceae and Hydatellaceae (APG III system of flowering plant classification, 2009). The study of MADS-box genes involved in the floral development of some Nymphaeales’ members could offer insights in their phylogeny. This research line aims to obtain sequences of MADS-box genes from representative species of the Nymphaeales’ families, to use these molecular data to investigate the relationships between these families, and to improve information about the aspect of some of the earliest flowers that appear in the history of angiosperms. Plant endo-microbiome: towards a sustainable crop management By influencing metabolic and biochemical pathways, beneficial bacterial communities, harbored within plant tissues can interact with their hosts. This project aims to characterize beneficial traits of endophytes, isolated from Vitis vinifera, for their potential utility, as alternative environmentally friendly approach, in plant growth promotion and stress alleviation. In parallel we are considering the biological control as innovative strategy which involves the use of beneficial organisms (bacteria) able to cope with plant pathogens, directly interacting with them by the production of many antimicrobial molecules. Among these metabolites, we are investigating lipopeptides. Insights into biocontrol effects are pivotal to develop new agricultural practices for decreasing plant pathogens and negative impact of agricultural chemicals on the environment.
Proposals for thesis
a) molecular identification of fungal specimens from the historical Saccardo’s collection, known at international level and conserved in the Herbarium of the Botanic Garden belonging to Padova University; b) study of MADS-box genes that are expressed in the floral buds and in the reproductive structures of basal angiosperms that belong to the Nymphaeales order, with the purpose to better understand the MADS-box genes expression pattern involved in these species, thus contributing to an update of the ‘ABC(D)E’ model in these organisms. c) characterization (by molecular, biochemical, physiological approaches) of microbial endophytes, living in grapevine inner tissues, for their potential application to improve crop productivity and plant disease biocontrol.