Giuseppe Fusco
Selected publications
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- Minelli A. & Fusco G. (eds) 2008. Evolving
pathways. Key themes in evolutionary developmental
biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Minelli A., Bonato L. & Fusco G. (eds) 2008. Updating the Linnaean heritage: names as tools for thinking about
animals and plants. Zootaxa, 1950.
- Fusco G. & Minelli A. (eds) 2010. From polyphenism to complex metazoan life cycles. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 365.
- Minelli A.,
Boxshall G. & Fusco G. (eds) 2013. Arthropod biology and evolution. Molecules,
development, morphology. Springer, Berlin.
- Fusco G. & Minelli A. 2018. Biologia della riproduzione. Pearson Italia, Milano. [pdf]
- Fusco G. (ed) 2019. Perspectives on Evolutionary and Developmental Biology. Padova University Press, Padova. [pdf]
- Fusco G. & Minelli A. 2019. The Biology of Reproduction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Fusco G. & Minelli A. 2023. Understanding Reproduction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Minelli A. & Fusco
G. 1995. Body segmentation and segment differentiation:
the scope for heterochronic change. In: McNamara K. J. (ed.),
Evolutionary change and heterochrony. Wiley &
Sons, Chichester. Pp. 49-63.
- Maruzzo D., Bonato L., Brena C., Fusco
G. & Minelli A. 2005. Appendage loss and regeneration
in arthropods: a comparative view. In: Koenemann S. &
Jener R. (eds), Crustacea and arthropod relationships.
Crustacean Issues, 16. Boca Raton, CRC press. Pp.:
215-245. [pdf]
- Minelli A., Negrisolo E. & Fusco G.
2006. Reconstructing animal phylogeny in the light of
evolutionary developmental biology. In: Hodkinson T.R.,
Parnell J.A.N. and Waldren S. (eds) Reconstructing
the tree of life: taxonomy and systematics of species
rich taxa. Systematics Association Special Series, Volume
72. Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL,
USA. Pp. 177-190. [pdf]
- Fusco G. 2011. Biologia evoluzionistica dello sviluppo. In: Ferraguti M. & Castellaci C. (a cura di), Evoluzione. Modelli e processi. Pearson Italia, Milano. Pp.:
- Fusco G. 2011. Verso una sintesi estesa? In: Ferraguti M. & Castellaci C. (a cura di), Evoluzione. Modelli e processi. Pearson Italia, Milano. Pp.:
- Fusco G. 2011. La scolopendra e il millepiedi: tra sviluppi
della semantica e semantica dello sviluppo. In: Barbanti R., Boi L. & Neve
M. (a cura di), Paesaggi della
complessità. La trama delle cose e gli intrecci tra natura e cultura. Mimesis Edizioni, Milano. Pp.: 171-186. [pdf]
- Minelli A. &
Fusco G. 2012. Classification. In: eLS (online Encyclopedia of
Life Sciences). Wiley & Sons,
- Minelli A.,
Boxshall G. & Fusco G. 2013. Introduction to diversity and ubiquity of arthropods. In: Minelli A.,
Boxshall G. & Fusco G. (eds), Arthropod biology and evolution. Molecules, development,
morphology. Springer, Berlin. Pp.: 1-15.
- Minelli A. &
Fusco G. 2013. Arthropod post-embryonic
development. In: Minelli A., Boxshall G. & Fusco G. (eds), Arthropod biology and
evolution. Molecules, development, morphology.
Springer, Berlin. Pp.: 91-122.
- Fusco G. & Minelli A. 2013. Arthropod body
segments and tagmata. In: Minelli A., Boxshall G. & Fusco G.
(eds), Arthropod
biology and evolution. Molecules, development, morphology. Springer, Berlin. Pp.: 197-221.
- Minelli A. &
Fusco G. 2013. Homology. In: Kampourakis K. (ed), The
philosophy of biology: a companion for educators. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. Pp.: 289-322. [pdf]
- Fusco G.,
Carrer R. & Serrelli E. 2014. The landscape metaphor in development. In: Minelli A. & Pradeu T. (eds), Towards a theory of development. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pp.: 114-128. [pdf]
- Fusco G.
2015. Descrizioni e definizioni in biologia: il caso del morfospazio. In:
Minelli (a
cura di), Descrivere e interpretare il
vivente. Armando Editore, Roma. Pp.: 145-160. [pdf]
- Fusco G. 2018. Competizione e cooperazione nella teoria dell’evoluzione. In:
Nazzi F. & Vianello A. (eds), L’altruismo. Competizione e cooperazione
dalla biologia all’economia, dalla filosofia alle neuroscienze. Forum,
Udine. [pdf]
- Fusco G. 2019. Evo-devo beyond development: the
evolution of life cycles. In: Fusco G. (ed), Perspectives on Evolutionary
and Developmental Biology. Padova University Press, Padova. [pdf]
- Minelli A. &
Fusco G. 2020. Classification. In: eLS (online Encyclopedia of
Life Sciences). Wiley & Sons,
JOURNAL ARTICLES- Minelli A., Fusco G.
& Sartori S. 1991. Self-similarity in biological
classifications. BioSystems, 26: 89-97.
- Fusco G. & Cronk Q.
C. B., 1995. A new method for evaluating the shape of
large phylogenies. Journal of theoretical Biology,
175: 235-243. [pdf]
- Turcato A., Fusco G.
& Minelli A. 1995. The sternal pore areas of
Geophilomorph Centipedes (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha). Zoological
Journal of the Linnean Society, 115: 185-209. [pdf]
- Minelli A., Negrisolo
E. & Fusco G. 1996. Developmental trends in the post-embryonic
development of Lithobiomorph Centipedes. In: Geoffroy J.-J.,
Muriès J.-P. & Nguyen Duy - Jacquemin M. (eds), Acta
Myriapodologica. Mémoires du Muséum National
d’Histoire Naturelle, 169: 351-358.
- Berto D., Fusco G.
& Minelli A. 1997. Segmental units and shape control
in Chilopoda. Entomologica Scandinavica,
Suppl. 51: 61-70. [pdf]
- Fusco G., Brena C.
& Minelli A. 2000. Cellular processes in the growth
of lithobiomorph centipedes (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha).
A cuticular view. Zoologischer Anzeiger,
239: 91-102. [pdf]
- Fusco G. & Minelli
A. 2000. Measuring morphological complexity of segmented
animals: centipedes as model systems. Journal of
Evolutionary Biology, 13: 38-46. [pdf]
- Fusco G. & Minelli
A. 2000. Developmental stability in geophilomorph
centipedes. In: Wytwer J. and Golovatch S. (eds), Progress
in studies on myriapoda and onychophora. Fragmenta faunistica, 43 (Suppl.): 73-82. [pdf]
- Fusco G. 2001. How many processes are
responsible for phenotypic evolution? Evolution
& Development, 3: 279-286. [pdf]
- Minelli A., Fusco G.
& Hughes N. C. 2003. Tagmata and segment
specification in trilobites. In: Lane P. D., Fortey R. A.
and Siveter D. J. (eds), Proceedings of the Third
International Symposium on trilobites and their relatives.
Special Papers in Palaeontology, 70. Pp. 31-43. [pdf]
- Fusco G. 2003. Biology and meaning: a reappraisal of semantic
biology. Review of “The organic codes” by
Marcello Barbieri.
Evolution & Development, 5: 432-434. [pdf]
- Fusco G., Hughes N. C., Webster M. & Minelli
A. 2004. Exploring developmental modes in a fossil
arthropod: growth and trunk segmentation of the trilobite
Aulacopleura konincki. American Naturalist,163: 167-183. [pdf] [in Science]
- Minelli A. & Fusco
G. 2004. Evo-devo perspectives
on segmentation: model organisms, and beyond. Trends
in Ecology & Evolution, 19: 423-429. [pdf]
- Minelli A. & Fusco G. 2005.
Conserved vs. innovative features in animal body
organization. Journal of Experimental Zoology, part
B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution,
304B: 520-525. [pdf]
- Fusco G. 2005.Trunk segment numbers
and sequential segmentation in myriapods. Evolution
& Development, 7: 608-617. [pdf]
- Minelli A., Brena C., Deflorian G.,
Maruzzo D. & Fusco G. 2006. From embryo to adult
– beyond the conventional periodization of arthropod
development. Development Genes & Evolution,
216: 373-383. [pdf]
- Minelli A. & Fusco G. 2006. Water-flea
males from the netherworld. Trends in Ecology
& Evolution, 21: 474-476. [pdf]
- Hughes N.C., Minelli A. & Fusco G.
2006. The ontogeny of trilobite segmentation: a
comparative approach. Paleobiology,
32: 602-627. [pdf]
- Maruzzo D., Minelli A., Ronco M. &
Fusco G. 2007. Growth and regeneration of the second
antennae of Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda) in the
context of arthropod antennal segmentation. Journal
of Crustacean Biology, 27: 184-196. [pdf]
Drago L., Fusco G. & Minelli A. 2008. Non-systemic metamorphosis in male millipede appendages: long
delayed, reversible effect of an early localized positional marker? Frontiers in Zoology, 5: 5. [pdf]
- Maruzzo D., Egredzija M.,
Minelli A.
& Fusco G. 2008. Segmental
pattern formation following amputation in the flagellum of the second antennae
of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea, Isopoda). Italian Journal Zoology, 75(3): 225-231. [pdf].
- Fusco G. 2008. Morphological nomenclature, between patterns and processes:
segments and segmentation as a paradigmatic case.
Zootaxa, 1950: 96-102. [pdf]
- Fusco G. 2009. Hunting for ‘factor X’: the genetic basis of segmental mismatch. Evolution & Development, 11: 6-7. [pdf]
- Maruzzo D., Minelli A. & Fusco G. 2009. Segmental
mismatch in crustacean appendages: the naupliar antennal exopod of Artemia
(Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca). Arthropod
Structure & Development, 38: 163-172. [pdf]
- Leśniewska M., Bonato L., Minelli A. & Fusco G.
2009. Trunk anomalies in the centipede Stigmatogaster subterranea provide insight into late-embryonic
segmentation. Arthropod Structure & Development, 38: 417-426. [pdf]
- Leśniewska M.,
Bonato L. & Fusco G. 2009. Morphological anomalies in a Polish population of Stigmatogaster subterranea (Chilopoda,
Geophilomorpha): a multi-year survey. Soil Organisms, 81: 347-358. [pdf]
- Fusco G. & Minelli A. 2010. Phenotypic plasticity in
development and evolution: facts and concepts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 365: 547-556. [pdf]
- Minelli A. & Fusco G. 2010. Developmental plasticity
and the evolution of animal complex life cycle. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 365: 631-640. [pdf]
- Minelli A., Maruzzo D. & Fusco G. 2010. Multi-scale
relationships between numbers and size in the evolution of arthropod body
features. Arthropod
Structure & Development, 39: 468-477. [pdf]
- Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium,
plus other 83 authors among which Congiu L., Boscari E., Bino G., Barbisan F.,
Leśniewska M. & Fusco G. 2011. Permanent Genetic Resources added to
Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2010–31 January 2011. Microsatellite
isolation in a population of the geophilomorph centipede Haplophilus
subterraneus with high frequency of morphological anomalies. Molecular Ecology
Resources, 11: 586-589. [pdf]
- Bortolin F., Benna C. & Fusco G. 2011. Gene expression during
post-embryonic segmentation in the centipede Lithobius peregrinus
(Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha). Development Genes and Evolution, 221: 105-111. [pdf]
- Drago L., Fusco G., E.
Garollo & Minelli A. 2011. Structural aspects of leg-to-gonopod metamorphosis in
male helminthomorph millipedes (Diplopoda). Frontiers
in Zoology, 8: 19. [pdf]
- Bortolin F., Piulachs M.-D., Congiu L. & Fusco G. 2011. Cloning and expression pattern of the ecdysone receptor and retinoid
X receptor from the centipede Lithobius
peregrinus (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha). General
and Comparative Endocrinology, 174: 60-69. [pdf]
- Fusco G., Garland T. Jr., Hunt
G. & Hughes N.C. 2012. Developmental trait evolution in trilobites. Evolution, 66: 314-329. [pdf]
- Minelli A. & Fusco G. 2012. On the evolutionary developmental biology of speciation. Evolutionary Biology, 39: 242-254. [pdf]
- Fusco G.,
Hong P.S. & Hughes N.C. 2014. Positional specification in the segmental
growth pattern of an early arthropod. Proceedings of the Royal Society B,
281: 20133037. [pdf]
- Guidarelli
G., Nicolosi P., Fusco G., De Francesco M.C. & Loy A. 2014. Morphological
variation and modularity in the mandible of three Mediterranean dolphin
species. Italian Journal Zoology, 81: 354-367. [pdf]
- Moretto
M., Minelli A. & Fusco G. 2015. Cell size versus body size in geophilomorph
centipedes. The Science of Nature, 102: 16. [pdf]
- Fusco G,
Leśniewska M, Congiu L & Bertorelle G. 2015. Population genetic structure
of a centipede species with high levels of developmental instability. PLOS
ONE, 10(6): e0126245. [pdf]
- Del Latte
L., Bortolin F., Rota-Stabelli O., Fusco G. & Bonato L. 2015.
Molecular-based estimate of species number, phylogenetic relationships and
divergence times for the genus Stenotaenia (Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha)
in the Italian region. Zookeys, 510: 31-47. [pdf]
- Fusco G.
2015. For a new dialogue between theoretical and empirical studies in evo-devo.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 3: 97. [pdf]
- Rigato E. & Fusco G. 2016. Enhancing effect of phenotype mutational robustness on adaptation in Escherichia coli. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular and Developmental Evolution), 326B: 31-37. [pdf]
- Pradeu
T., Laplane L., Prévot K., Hoquet T., Reynaud V., Fusco G., Minelli A.,
Orgogozo V. & Vervoort M. 2016. Defining “development”. Current
Topics in Developmental Biology, 117: 171-183. [pdf]
- Savriama
Y., Vitulo M., Gerber S., Debat V. & Fusco G. 2016. Modularity
and developmental stability in segmented animals: variation in translational
asymmetry in geophilomorph centipedes. Development Genes and
Evolution, 226: 187–196. [pdf]
- Fusco G., Hong P.S. & Hughes N.C. 2016. Axial
growth gradients across the post-protaspid ontogeny of the Silurian trilobite Aulacopleura
koninckii. Paleobiology, 42: 426-438. [pdf]
- Hughes N.C., Hong P.S., Hou J. & Fusco G. 2017.
The development of the Silurian trilobite Aulacopleura koninckii
reconstructed by applying inferred growth and segmentation dynamics: a case
study in paleo-evo-devo. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 5: 37. [pdf]
- Baiocco
M., Bonato L., Cardini A. & Fusco G. 2017. Shape variation of
prey-catching structures in geophilomorph centipedes: a preliminary
investigation using geometric morphometrics. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 268:
11-18. [pdf]
- Savriama
Y., Gerber S., Baiocco M., Debat V. & Fusco G. 2017. Development and
evolution of segmentation assessed by geometric morphometrics: the centipede Strigamia
maritima as a case study. Arthropod Structure & Development, 46:
419-428. [pdf]
- Bonato
L., Orlando M., Zapparoli M., Fusco G. & Bortolin F. 2017. New insights
into Plutonium, one of the largest and least known European centipedes
(Chilopoda): distribution, evolution and morphology. Zoological Journal of
the Linnean Society, 180: 887-909. [pdf]
- Clemente M., Fusco G., Tonina L. & Giomi F. 2018. Temperature-induced phenotypic plasticity in the ovipositor
of the invasive species Drosophila suzukii. Journal of Thermal Biology, 75:
62-68. [pdf]
- Bortolin F., Fusco G. & Bonato L. 2018. Comparative
analysis of diet in syntopic geophilomorph species (Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha)
using a DNA-based approach. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 127:
223-229. [pdf]
- Minelli A. & Fusco G. 2019. No limits:
breaking constraints in insect miniaturization. Arthropod Structure & Development, 48: 4-11. [pdf]
- Rigato E. & Fusco G. 2020. Effects of phenotypic
robustness on adaptive evolutionary dynamics. Evolutionary Biology, 47:
233-239. [pdf]
Rigato E.
& Fusco G. 2020. A heuristic model of the effects of phenotypic
robustness in adaptive evolution. Theoretical Population Biology, 136:
22-30. [pdf]
- Springolo
A., Rigato E. & Fusco G. 2021. Larval growth and allometry in the cabbage butterfly Pieris
brassicae (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Acta Zoologica, 102: 77-87. [pdf]
- Fusco G., Rigato E. & Springolo A. 2021. Size and
shape regulation during larval growth in the lepidopteran Pieris brassicae.
Evolution & Development, 23: 46-60. [pdf]
Fusco G. & Minelli A. 2021. The development of
arthropod segmentation across the embryonic/post-embryonic divide – an
evolutionary perspective. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 622482. [pdf]
- Hughes N.C., Adrain J.M., Holmes J.D., Hong P.S.,
Hopkins M.J., Hou J, Minelli A, T-Y.S. Park, Paterson J.R., Peng J., Webster
M., Zhang W-G., Zhang X-L. & Fusco G. 2021. Articulated trilobite ontogeny:
suggestions for a methodological standard. Journal of Paleontology,
95: 298-304. [pdf]
Sommaggio D., Fusco G., Uliana M. & Minelli A. 2021.
Possible epigenetic origin of a recurrent gynandromorph pattern in Megachile
wild bees. Insects, 12, 437. [pdf]
- Dai T., Hughes N.C., Zhang X-L. & Fusco G. 2021.
Absolute axial growth and trunk segmentation in the early Cambrian trilobite Oryctocarella
duyunensis. Paleobiology, 47: 517-532. [pdf]
- Poloni R.,
Iannella M., Fusco G. & Fattorini S. 2022. Conservation biogeography of
high-altitude longhorn beetles under climate change. Insect
Conservation and Diversity, 15: 429-444. [pdf]
- Fusco G. 2022. Serial homology. Biological Theory, 17:
114-119. [pdf]
- Peretti
E., Cecchin C., Fusco G., Gregnanin L., Kos I. & Bonato L. 2022. Shedding
light on species boundaries in small endogeic animals through an integrative
approach: species delimitation in the centipede Clinopodes carinthiacus (Chilopoda:
Geophilidae) in the south-eastern Alps. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society, 196: 902-923. [pdf]
- Baraldi S.,
Rigato E. & Fusco G. 2023. Growth regulation in the larvae of the lepidopteran Pieris
brassicae: A field study. Insects, 14: 167. [pdf]
- Fusco G.
& Minelli A. 2023. Descriptive versus causal morphology: gynandromorphism
and intersexuality. Theory in Biosciences, 142: 1-11. [pdf]
- Dissegna A.,
Rota M., Basile S., Fusco G., Mencucci M., Cappai N., Galaverni M., Fabbri E.,
Velli E. & Caniglia R. 2023. How to Choose? Comparing different methods to count
wolf packs in a protected area of the Northern Apennines. Genes,14: 932. [pdf]
- Zadra N.,
Tatti A., Silverj A., Piccinno R., Devilliers J., Lewis C., Arnoldi D.,
Montarsi F., Escuer P., Fusco G., De Sanctis V., Feuda R., Sánchez-Gracia A.,
Rizzoli A. & Rota-Stabelli O. 2023. Shallow whole-genome sequencing
of Aedes japonicus and Aedes
koreicus from Italy and an updated picture of their evolution based
on mitogenomics and barcoding. Insects, 14: 904. [pdf]