Title: Professore ordinario
SSD: BIO/11 - Molecular Biology
Address: VIA U. BASSI, 58/B - PADOVA
Phone: 0498276088
E-mail: graziano.martello@unipd.it
PERSONAL INFORMATION Martello Graziano Researcher unique identifier: orcid.org/0000-0001-5520-085X Date of birth: 01/04/1980 Nationality: Italian • EDUCATION 03/2009 PhD in Genetics and developmental biology Thesis title: “MicroRNAs involved in embryonic development and tumour progression” Department of Histology Microbiology and Medical Biotechnologies, University of Padua, Italy - Prof. Stefano Piccolo 03/2005 Master Degreee in Medical Biotechnologies Thesis title: “Isolation of a Ubiquitin ligase for Smad4: its role in germ layers formation and cell proliferation, University of Padua, Italy • POSITIONS 08/2017 – Present Associate Professor of Histology 03/2014 – Present Telethon Scientist 03/2014 – 07/2017 Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology Department of Molecular Medicine - Medical School of Padua University, Italy 04/2010 – 02/2014 Research Associate Project on the mechanisms controlling pluripotency in mouse ES cells (Prof. Austin Smith) Wellcome Trust – Medical Research Council Centre for Stem Cell Research, University of Cambridge, UK 01/2009 – 03/2010 Post-Doc - Project on microRNA controlling TGF-beta signalling (Prof. Stefano Piccolo) Department of Histology Microbiology and Medical Biotechnologies, University of Padua, Italy • FELLOWSHIPS 01/2011 – 12/2013 HFSP (Human Frontieres Science Program) fellowship 01/2009 – 03/2010 microRNA in cancer, AIRC (Italian Association for Cancer Research), Department of Histology Microbiology and Medical Biotechnologies, University of Padua, Italy • HONOURS AND PRIZES 2008 - “Concorso giovani ricercatori 2007” (Young researchers award 2007), for young Italian researchers . 2010 - “Cecila Cioffrese” prize from the Carlo Erba Foundation. 2012 - “Young Venetian Excellence Award 2012” in the field of Life sciences. 2013 - "Armenise-Harvard Career Development Award and Telethon Foundation Career Award (1,000,000 dollars , 5 years) 2013 – Telethon DTI Career Development award (600,000 euros, 5 years) 2016 – Europen Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (1,500,000 euros, 5 years) ORAL PRESENTATIONS – INVITED SPEAKER June 21st 2018 – Rome (Italy) SIBBM Frontier in Molecular Biology Title: A common molecular logic determines pluripotent stem cell self-renewal and reprogramming May 5th 2018 – Pavia (Italy) University of Pavia, Collegio Ghislieri, Lectio Magistralis for the Research Day, Title: Chasing cell identity: from embryos to stem cells February 23rd 2018 - Vienna (Austria) IMP – IMBA, SY-STEM the next generation of stem cell researchers International meeting Title: Direct generation of human naïve induced pluripotent stem cells from somatic cells in microfluidics. November 22nd 2017 – Milan (Italy) TIGET - San Raffaele Title: Metabolic and transcriptional control of pluripotent stem cells November 20th 2017 - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories (NY, USA) STATs: IMPORTANCE IN BASIC & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH international meeting Title: LIF/Stat3 signal reshapes the metabolic profile of Pluripotent Stem cells October 2016 – Dresden (Germany) CRTD “Rising Star Lectures” Title: Metabolic and transcriptional regulation of Pluripotency”. September 24th 2014 – Pisa (Italy) FISV 2014 Title: “Cracking the naive Pluripotency code” June 8th 2013 – University of Coimbra (Portugal) BEB Symposium Title: Integration of signalling pathways by the gene regulatory network of pluripotent cells
Curriculum in PDF: English CV