Committee for society engagement (or “Third Mission”)
This committee has the scope of monitoring and stimulating all department activities that go beyond research and teaching, to the benefit of the social, cultural and economic development.
Department carry out activities and projects to strengthen dialogue and interaction among University, industry and society and in particular:
- Generation of intellectual property;
- Research and services commissioned by companies or other external entities;
- Activity in museums;
- Public engagement;
- Teaching activities dedicated to the general public or to a public different from University students.
- Name Lastname
- ALESSANDRO ALBORESI Professore di seconda fascia
- Name Lastname
- ALESSANDRO ALBORESI Professore di seconda fascia
- ELISABETTA BERGANTINO Professoressa di seconda fascia
- STEFANO CAGNIN Professore di seconda fascia
- SIMONE CANESSO Segretario di Dipartimento
- MADDALENA MOGNATO Professoressa di seconda fascia
- LUCA PAGANI Professore di prima fascia
- CHIARA PASSARELLI Responsabile Settore Ricerca e Terza missione
- GIANFRANCO SANTOVITO Professore di seconda fascia
- LAURA TREU Professoressa di seconda fascia
- ELENA ZIVIANI Professoressa di seconda fascia