
1) Post Translational Modifications as the key in Brassinosteroids Crosstalk with Stomata Development. 2)Unfolded Protein response in Plants: recent Advances and Beyond.

Pubblicato il: 05.10.2018 14:30

Il Corso di Dottorato in Bioscienze, organizza, per venerdì 5  ottobre 2018 presso l'Aula N del piano rialzato del Polo Vallisneri, i seguenti seminari:

ore 14:30
Post Translational Modifications as the key in Brassinosteroids Crosstalk with Stomata Development.

Relatore: Dott.ssa Camilla Betti - Protein Biochemistry Laboratory, Department of Medicine. University of Perugia, Italy.

ore 15:30
Unfolded Protein response in Plants: recent Advances and Beyond.

Relatore: Dott.ssa Cristina Ruberti - Department of Plant Biology. University of Münster, Germany.

La S.V. è cortesemente invitata.

Proff. I. Szabo',  B. Baldan, l. Trainotti. 


Ultimo aggiornamento: 18.03.2019 17:13