
EU project at DiBio - BEST-CROP (Boosting photosynthESis To deliver novel CROPs for the circular bioeconomy)

Pubblicato il: 06.06.2023 14:50

Developing new barley varieties with better yield, quality and productivity to be in line with the principles of the circular economy. These are the objectives of the BEST-CROP (Boosting photosynthESis To deliver novel CROPs for the circular bioeconomy) project, led by the team of Paolo Pesaresi, professor of the Biosciences department of the University La statale of Milan with 18 Italian and European partners, including Dibio. Our contribution, through the work of the research group of Professor Tomas Morosinotto (in the photo), is the development of innovative techniques in the field of biotechnology to improve the photosynthetic capacity of this crop.
The project, financed by the Horizon Europe program with a contribution of 6 million euros, also involves seed companies, firms specialized in straw processing, and researchers from seven European universities.
#agriculture, #research


Ultimo aggiornamento: 06.06.2023 14:53